Saturday, July 28, 2007

Pineapple Crochet

I started working on a crochet doiley with a pineapple pattern. My coffee table was looking so empty, and I was looking for something in my disaster knitting room and some crochet cotton fell on me, so I decided to work with it. One of these days I am going to do something about this room. I got a new Canon digital cammera with awesome zoom and am hoping to post some bird photos, my other love bird watching. The ants found my new hummingbird feeder so the house is getting ant proofed then I will rehang and hang out and get some pictures to share. Also I will show you a picture of a female Bullock's Oriole that is nesting by my work. The females are yellow and not as spactuacular as the male who is orange and black, but the male is never in my viewfinder.

1 comment:

Bobbisox said...

Neat picture of the goldfinch, I know there will be other bird pictures soon.